Montana grew up in a Christian home and attended the church his grandfather started in Marion, IA. He trusted Christ at the age of four and surrendered to be a missionary in 2009. In fall of 2013 he attended Hyles-Anderson College where he met his wife Kellie. Montana then graduated in Spring of 2016 with a major in Missions and minor in Media. Montana and Kellie were married on June 4th of 2016 and then took a month long journey to the mission field for their honeymoon.
Kellie grew up in Decatur, IL where she attended Salem Baptist Church. When she was around 5 years old, her parents explained the Gospel to her and she prayed the sinner’s prayer. When she was 14, she went forward during the invitation at camp and got reassurance. She had surrendered to full-time Christian service while attending camp, but never fully surrendered to missions. During her senior year at Hyles-Anderson College, she finally surrendered to missions; specifically to Africa. That following semester, she met Montana.